Hey Future Wave Campers…..
The Time is NOW!!! You have thought about it and you have probably dreamt about it… Punta San Carlos- A fairy tail like wave riding arena that will boost your wavesailing level to new heights! Even if you have never been in the waves, this is THE PLACE to come! It is the perfect spot to hone  your skills, gather courage and build confidence to let you catch waves and ride them how they want to be ridden. My right hand man, Kevin McGillivray (K-Smac) and I have a program. We don't sit around and tell you to watch us rip waves all day, we start you off with a printed guide that we will go through daily to keep you on track. We video you out sailing. We take photos. We simulate on the beach, We study. We watch, you learn! Yes, you will get some free time to do your own thing, but only if you want to. We are at your disposal and hanging with you guys and girls 24/7! Most camps end in tears as we all bond and don't want to leave….. but the beauty is that we can always come back! We would love to welcome you to the Pritchard Wave Camp, September 2012.
Here some information and testimonials:
Here are a few clips to give you a feeling of what it is like: