Matt Pritchard US-10Well the time has come to update and get a little more fun into this site.... We were getting a little bored with the look and our friend DMan helped us create this new layout- Hope you like it! Feel free to drop any comments and let us know what you think!

We also want to provide you with more content that YOU want to read about or see in videos. Go ahead and send us your requests and we will make it happen. The world of technology is amazing these days.... We can update straight from the Iphone- so watch out for a good day at Hookipa, a beautiful rainbow sailing session or anything else that might catch our attention.

Be sure to check out our How TO page for some video techniques!

Ready to up your sailing game this season, come take a CLINIC we can help you get your game on no matter what level you are at.

We are currently working on the PRO SHOP, right now we have a display of our top 10 items and can get you all set up with a simple email. Just hit the button and we are connected. More to come on this so stay tuned....