Got another email the other day asking about forward loops tips and tricks….. decided to pass  this on to anyone that cares! Here is the question:

I’m a frenchy scared about the frontloop !
I’ve try many times but the forward now really scared me.
I’ve seen the video you made to learn this figure… Could you give me some advice to reactivate the machine.
Thanks a lot…
Here is the quick answer:

well yes, it can be scary. the trick is to not chicken out and go FULL POWER without hesitating. That is the biggest problem I see people do, is hesitate….. NOT GOOD. You have to visualize yourself doing it correctly. it is such a simple move, you just have to commit, tuck your head and pull with your back hand HARD while pushing with your front hand HARD and at the same time PULLING with your back leg to get the tail of the board under your BUMM! The wind just pulls you around. Whatever you do DON’T LOOK at the water, tuck and roll brotha……