So I have been calling up Graham every day to take some shots. What do I get.. "hi it is Graham, cant come to the phone right now, leave a message" "Graham, its Kev, lets take some shots!" and this has been going on for quite a few days. Today, it was, David calls me up, hey can you get some shots of Graham.. Today!.. I was like ok.. boss is calling, we better get on this.. Graham, can you come down and take some photos.. pleeeeeaaaaseeeee..... " I got a meeting till 1 pm.." I was.. "shoots I have a meeting at 2 with the Powerex boss.." He was like, "I will meet you there at 1:30."

He shows up, I take out my camera, thirty minutes later, I have the shots of my life.. well almost. But man, not to pump him up or make his head too big, but the guy was ripping. I was a little bummed I was on a photo mission cause he did this goiter 360 thing that was just mind blowing.. totally sick and a pleasure to photograph.. Check out a couple of the shots.

This was the goiter, 360, I was talking about, and he nailed it.. super sick

Getting carried away with the photoshop!

Too much PS but look at the water ripples.. Loving it