Sometimes it takes a little something to push you over the edge to do something you have always wanted to do..... For a lot of people it is the new year coming- Resolutions as they are called, designed to get you motivated and COMITT to doing something you have always wanted to do. I hear a lot of people talking about making the trip to Punta San Carlos, and now more than ever is the time to make it happen!  This post is to officially encourage you to COMITT to doing something new, doing something fun and making 2013 your best year ever!

So the time is now- let's make some plans to go WINDSURFING and have some fun and maybe even learn some new tricks. The boys from Baja are giving a way FREE MONEY!!! Yes, you got it right, $300 smackers with your name on it...... So go get some and see you on the water!

This coming from SoloSports.......Book now and pay in full before 12/31/2012 and get a $300 instant savings off any SoloSports Adventure Holiday.
Don't worry about when.......get our "Ticket to Ride" and pick  your dates later.
CALL 949.289.7779 or e-mail at