There are a lot of great people in the world and Sarah Hauser is one of them! She is a ripper on the water and off the water she is always smiling..... She sent me over this blurb about a project she is working on and I wanted to support her and share with you all! Here is what she has to say.....

Hi guys! 

I’m contacting you today to let you know about the launch of our crowdfunding campaign to finish “Girl on Wave”, the movie I’ve been working on with EchoHouse Films for the past 5 months  ( 

As a professional windsurfer I’ve realized over the last few years how much our sport is underestimated. When I travel out of the windsurfing community, I meet people who cannot even picture what our sport looks like! 

The movie “Girl on Wave” can help change that! 

As much as I love “actions” focused films which highlights the skills of athletes, this time EchoHouse Films and I are making a movie that is different. Our producer/cinematographer/director of photography Steven Esparza is based in Phoenix, Arizona. He never heard about windsurfing before he met me. With his unique way of filming and his ingenuous vision, we’re making a movie that a layman audience can watch and be amazed with as well as the water sport community! And we need your help to finish it.

Here is the link to our campaign:

Every little bit of help counts, even if it’s only a couple $, small bricks can build big walls!! 

Also sharing that information with as many people as possible is crucial for the success of our campaign. I hope you can help me do that!

Thank you
