Clinic Schedule 2012

The time of year is here!!! If you haven't quite figured out exactly what you want for Christmas, here are some hints below to suggest to your dearest loved ones....

Aloha Windsurfing Clinics

May 26th-June 2nd

Matt Pritchard and Shawna Cropas

June 30th-July 7th

Matt Pritchard and Shawna Cropas

Oct 20th-27th

Matt Pritchard and Shawna Cropas

Punta San Carlos

April 21-28

Matt Pritchard and Kevin McGillivray

July 21-28

Matt Pritchard and Kevin McGillivray

September 22-29

Matt Pritchard and Kevin McGillivray

One thing is for SURE- you will have a lot of fun and you will learn some new tricks!

If you are a beginning windsurfer, don't be shy about coming to Maui! It is a great place to hone in your skills in warm tropical waters. Shawna and I have a great program to get you hooked in and sailing upwind with the right stance.

Here is a video of our last clinic where we taught a lot of improvers... Check it out!

Aloha Windsurfing Clinics with Matt Pritchard and Shawna Cropas from shawna cropas on Vimeo.

If wavesailing is on your mind and you want to learn how to catch the right waves and what to do on them once you get em, either Maui or Punta San Carlos are great locations. Come on over!

If you have any questions regarding these clinics, hit the contact button on the site and drop me a mail.

Will look forward to seeing you in the wind!
