So we are jumping off the cliff again and trying to find some budgeting for a new film.
What does it feel like waking up in the morning.? What does it feel like riding a monster of water? Power so strong it can twist and pull you down so hard with no letting up.
I want to make a film about what it feels like to be deep within the mind of different athletes, and see just what it feels like to be in the mind of Philip Koster doing a double forward, Graham Ezzy hitting the lip at Jaws, and find some incredible locations. We will see if we can pull if off but we are going to give it a try. Check out the trailer and see what you think. If you know of anyone who is looking to fund something like this, feel free to give out a contact.
What Does It Feel Like – first teaser from Johannes Neumann - mnp on Vimeo.