Well since Matt is getting into the blog again, which I am loving, nice work by the brother. It seems like he has more stuff to blog about when he goes away rather than what you guys have been reading about when I am doing my blogging. "woke up and went windsurfing. Waves were great, wind was up. I mean after 5 years of writing this, how much more can you guys handle? Anyhow, hope you guys are liking what Matt has to write about.

I have been busy working on some web stuff, and working with David on some sails and that has been fun. I really enjoy testing when I can put in some of my creative thoughts. Maui has had it's first swell, and that was fun, not too many people out and that was fun.

If you are interested in how to launch at Hookipa check out the Windsurfing 101 article here.

If you want to know what Graham is thinking about the Hookipa contest check out this video.

Graham Ezzy ripping it up in Baja, gives us some insight to the Hookipa AWT Event from American Windsurfing Tour on Vimeo.

If you want to check out how to rig a sail with David Ezzy you can watch this video.

Rigging the new Panther Limited from Ezzy Sails on Vimeo.

Also there are a couple of other videos on the Ezzy Vimeo that could be of interest to you.